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the deck: (this is a suggested order)

1. Bio of top 3 people in the company. Short sentences, bullet points, easy to read.
2. Problem definition (with the market … it’s why you exist)
3. How you solve that problem conceptually at the highest level
4. Details on the solution
5. [Demo could go here]
6. Why you believe there is economic value in what you do / how you think you can monetize one day
7. Competition
8. Progress to date of your company (when started, key milestones, what shape is the product in, any pilot / beta customers, financing)
9. Market sizing
10. Potential future exit possibilities
11. How much are you raising, how long will it last, key milestones you plan to hit before the next round

You should have 10-12 slides and anything else that is detailed should be in your appendix. Keep the slides simple, visual, and minimal, with 30 point or larger font. Put talking points, reasoning, and prose in the notes that accompany each slide. Email a PDF that combines each slide and its notes on a single page; slide on top, notes on bottom.

the deck:(這是建議的排列順序)

1. 經營團隊的簡歷。短句子,要點,便于閱讀。
2. 問題的定義(與市場的關係…這就是爲什麽你的存在)
3. 你如何解决這個問題? 概念
4. 詳細的解决方案
5. demo [演示]
6. 爲什麽你認爲你做的有經濟價值/你怎麽想有一天你能賺錢
7. 競爭對手
8. 取得的進展日期(啓動時間,關鍵的里程碑,產品是什麽形狀,原型/試用客戶,財務)
9. 市場規模
10. 退場機制(公司可能可以賣給誰?)

※ 先做成一個PPT檔,每個slide要保持簡單,視覺,30點或更大的字體,把 talking points論點,解釋放在slide下面的note。然後再做成一個PDF檔,每頁包括兩部份,上面是slide, 下面是note。


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